About In Time Out
Where does a 45-year old special ed teacher go when her marriage finally slips through the cracks? Into a self-imposed time out in paradise, of course.
Much to her dismay, Cynthia Ferguson quickly learns that paradise is not what it's chalked up to be. Navigating a challenging school system, an evil principal, rambunctious students with fiery parents,
Ms. Ferguson finds herself being burned by the smouldering heat of Hawaii.
Hilarious, poignant, and provocative this novel is about a woman who takes chances, starts over, and finds out that the world can be hers when she steps boldly out of her comfort zone.

Lahaina Wildfire 2023
​The devastating wildfire on Maui last August hit close to home because Lahaina had been my home for a time. Lahaina Public Library was a community hub for decades providing generations of Westside residents a place to introduce their children to the magic of books, give people a meeting place for community events, and house a priceless collection of Hawaiian history. If you would prefer to pass on a great beach read, In Time Out, you can still donate to the rebuilding fund for Lahaina Public Library below.

The Lahaina Library before the fire (left) and after (right). Courtesy of Stacey Aldrich.
​A favorite spot of mine on Maui was reading, relaxing, and regrouping at the Lahaina Public Library. It opened in 1956 on the site of a former royal taro patch. Only the heavily damaged walls remain standing amidst the other charred structures of Lahaina town. Because that place means so much to me, a portion of the proceeds from each sale of In Time Out will be donated to The Maui Friends of the Library rebuilding fund. Thank you for supporting this vision.
~ Sequoia Rudolph